Our Node support is all about flexibility. Choose your own version of Node, choose any framework from Express and Hapi to Sails.js and Koa, and choose from any of our integrated add-on services such as Mongo, New Relic, Librato and more.
More about Node.js on Heroku →
Whether you prefer frameworks like Sinatra or Rails, or getting your hands dirty with Unicorn or WebSocket, or using the MRI or JRuby, Heroku's rock-solid Ruby support delivers.
More about Ruby on Heroku →
Build microservices with Groovy and Ratpack, web apps with minimal fuss using Spark, and high performance web apps with Spring Boot/Spring Cloud, using a range of JDKs.
More about Java on Heroku →
An elegant platform for modern PHP apps - Heroku's PHP support including a modern stack with your choice of web server (Apache or Nginx) and runtime — PHP 5.5 and higher, including PHP 7 or HHVM — together with Composer for dependency management.
More about PHP on Heroku →
Whether you prefer frameworks like Django or Flask, or getting your hands dirty with Twisted or raw sockets, Heroku stays out of the way, letting you easily deploy everything from bespoke microservices to complex, database-backed web applications.
More about Python on Heroku →
Whether you prefer Go’s stdlib, or frameworks like Negroni and Gin, Heroku gets out of the way, letting you build and deploy network services, microservices and high-traffic API endpoints, easily, and scalably.
More about Go on Heroku →
Take your Scala solutions, whether microservices built with Finagle, or full-stack solutions built with Play, and combine them deploy it to the cloud, adding to them any of our integrated add-on services such as Treasure Data, Neo4j or Cassandra.
More about Scala on Heroku →
Build and deploy Leiningen-based applications with ease, whether they're micro-services built on libraries like Ring and Compojure, more complete solutions based on Luminus and Pedestal, or front-end apps using ClojureScript and Om.
More about Clojure on Heroku →