
Code[ish] • Tuesday, September 15th 2020
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88. Monitoring Productivity through IoT

Yuri Oliveira and Brandon Stewart

Corey Martin is a Customer Solutions Architect at Heroku. He's interviewing Brandon Stewart, the founder and project lead of GNAR, and Yuri Oliveira, one of its software engineers. GNAR is a software consultancy, and one of their projects involves building an Internet of Things solution for RMS, a freight transportation company. Internet of Things is a broad term used to describe any object that can connect to the Internet or communicate with other devices; popular examples include the Next Thermostat or Amazon Alexa.

For RMS, Brandon and Yuri built a system to monitor trucks transporting shipping containers. Without an IoT infrastructure, truck drivers would communicate with their...

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Developer Advocate Stories • Wednesday, September 9th 2020

In this Episode they talked with Julián David Duque, Lead Developer Advocate @Heroku, about his start as a community leader in Colombia, his day 2 day job and how and why he was amazed when he flew to India.

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Revvolutionaries • Wednesday, September 9th 2020

In the not-so-distant past, putting software out into the world required a host of skill sets and infrastructure that made the barrier to entry high. Today, cloud platforms like Heroku lowered the barrier for creating and delivering software. On this episode, Chris Castle, Director of Dev Advocacy at Heroku, talks about how Heroku changed software development forever.

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Code[ish] • Tuesday, September 8th 2020

Jason Salaz is a member of the Heroku support team, and he's leading a conversation with Daniel Klein, a software engineer at Landing. Landing is a network of pre-furnished apartments that provides its users with a lease-free place to live for as many months as they need to. As remote work has becoming increasing necessary, the people who use Landing are able to live in any city they feel like across America. Aside from a monthly rent and annual membership, there are no other fees. In addition to furniture, the apartments have kitchen and bathroom basics, and maintenance is taken care of 24/7.

Obviously, Landing has been affected by COVID and the lockdowns, which has limited...

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Code[ish] • Tuesday, September 1st 2020

Becky Jaimes is a Product Manager at Salesforce, and she's interviewing Nick Frandsen, a co-founder of Dovetail. Dovetail is a company that helps startups grow into ambitious technology companies. They do this by providing an independent team of designers and programmers that will help the startup with growth hacking and marketing. The goal is to help them build their company and scale it into something much larger than where they currently are. In exchange, they take a piece of equity in the company, resulting in a longterm partnership. Employees at Dovetail both have a salary and a stake in each of the companies they work with.

When it comes to working with clients, there are a set...

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